Questions To Ask Before Diving Into The Keyword Research Process

Today if you want to grow your online business then you need to find the right keyword that your potential users or customers are searching for. And discover who your target audience is and the activities performed by them.

As earlier we mentioned identifying user intent plays a crucial role in the keyword research process.

If your website or web page is solving and addressing user problems then you are already one step closer to rank your website on the top in SERP and becoming successful online.

But one of the most common problems that most of the site owner commit is by skipping the planning stage and directly jumping into the keyword research process.

That’s why we thought to highlight some important questions that you should consider while if you are a new beginner then it will be tough to get an insight into every question. But a brief ides about the below-mentioned question will surely enhance your keyword research process. And you will be able to modify the right keyword for your website content as well as the blog page.

  • Why type of product users are searching in your niche?
  • Why are they searching for it?
  • Who is searching for the term and phrases that relate to your niche?
  • Whose website is appearing after they type the particular term in the keyword?
  • When are they searching for your product (daily, weekly, or monthly)?
  • Which device they are using to search the particular term?
  • Whether they are typing long terms or using the short term?
  • What question users are asking re3latyed to the particular terms?

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